Google India has lit a white candle on its home page as tribute to 23-years old Delhi gang –rape victim. She passed away on December 27th in Singapore hospital. It’s not a Google Doodle, but a small candle image below its search bars. Once you move a cursor on the candle it reads “In memory of the Delhi brave… Continue reading →
Being a technology consultant and SaaS Founder, I get to speak with lot of people. I impart most valuable knowledge from them. I share those learnings here.
Non–IT Entrepreneurs Mindset
Two days ago I had got a call from an Entrepreneur who is a doctor my profession. He wants to establish a business in IT with hospital ERP as an entry point. That’s quite natural. The one you understand better is the one you may get success in. He has an example for an ERP which is desktop software that… Continue reading →
User Profile Date Collection and User Experience
User Profile has become a common aspect of all kind of website. Say it is a news aggregator, social networking, recommendation site, e-commerce or social gaming, the user profile plays a vital role. The only reason behind this is the sites known more about its users. In other words, analyzing this data will give a new business opportunity. The simplest… Continue reading →
Error In My LinkedIn Account
Update : I had written a support e-mail after this post was published. Two days later LinkedIn had cleared this notification. But why this error happen is still a question in my mind. Continue reading →
The first journey into Vtiger
From last few days I was trying out with Vtiger CRM which is an Open source CRM which got split from Sugar CRM. In fact even today few codes of Vtiger are used by Sugar CRM and vice versa. In Vtiger this has been clearly mentioned using comments. So we can identify the original author of the code. The Vtiger… Continue reading →
Supply Chain Problem With E-Commerce Retail
From last few days I have met people/businesses who are facing the problem with supply chain. The problem is not about the shipping or quality of the product …it’s all about the Stock Inventory. Say you are running an E-commerce Retail business in a particular niche. Your customer orders a product on your website. Now you need to run to your vendor… Continue reading →
New stuffs in my website
Hi every one… From long time I have not posted in my site.I was tied up with some task. So today I have changed few things in my site. May you have already noticed it by now….If not, navigate to all the pages from main menu…. Continue reading →
Satyamev Jayate – Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide
Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide. Large-scale killing of girls before birth has led to a serious gender imbalance in the Indian population, and severe social problems as a result According to the YouTube statistics as on 09-05-2012, this program (show) is popular among males between the age 25-34 , 35-44 and 18-24. You can also have a look at geographical… Continue reading →
10 ways to make your website viral
Many of you may be a website owner from many years. Even after a long existence you may be worried about the website because its user acquisition is miserable slow. You may be able to grab maximum of 60-100 users per month. Suppose this happens to be the status of your website, then you have landed up in the right… Continue reading →
Dear business owners: SEO is a slow and steady process
This write-up is about thought process of the business owners. I have tried to put them together here. You may also discover solutions for a problem of same nature you are facing. So read on... Continue reading →