Around Me

As a Freelance web developer I come across many things happening around me. I learn them by observation and talking to people. I write about some of those here.

Developers like creative ideas!

When a new customer contacts me for a web development the first question they would prefer to ask: Customer: How do you charge? Me: Well,  Rs X per hr or fixed amount for a particular website Customer: Your charges are very high. What is the best price you can quote? Come on Customers, many developer always like to develop on… Continue reading →

New stuffs in my website

Hi every one… From long time I have not posted in my site.I was tied up with some task. So today I have changed few things in my site. May you have already noticed it by now….If not, navigate to all the pages from main menu…. Continue reading →

Satyamev Jayate – Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide

Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide. Large-scale killing of girls before birth has led to a serious gender imbalance in the Indian population, and severe social problems as a result According to the YouTube statistics as on 09-05-2012, this program (show) is popular among males between the age 25-34 , 35-44 and 18-24. You can also have a look at geographical… Continue reading → is building a physical network with students

Last Saturday at around 9.00 PM I received a call from Aditya Patil, student evangelist for inviting me to a meet up at coffee day in basaveswar nagar. My Sunday was not yet planned; hence I agreed to attend the meeting. If anyone is unaware of here is a brief on what they do. is a media… Continue reading →

Jars InfoTech: The begin of new learning

After I resigned Real Bridge Consulting Pvt Ltd, I was ready to move back to my student life. I was waiting for my counseling and start of college. Besides this one more opportunity was waiting for me. It was not even two days after my resignation; few of the ex-employee of Real Bridge decided to quit the job to start… Continue reading →

Crystal Ball Bingo Took up a new design

Last weak I redesigned crystalball . This was my very  first website developed in JSP and liQuantum platform. I was a very good experience as every thing was new to me. Even though it was second time I developed a bingo website  (I have developed Goldenhat ) the concept seems to be new. New Design   Old Design Continue reading →

Communicate with the players.But don’t spam

Communicating with a players often can keep your brand on top of their mind. But too much is bad! Generally iGaming sites communicate with their players by sending newsletters and mailers. They send their weakly promotions , monthly promotions , notifications , messages through newsletters which finally sit into the player’s inbox. The players seem to be responding well for… Continue reading →

Making Bingo Players To Interact More With Their Friends

Today I got an idea which made me think lot about it. It was about an unexpected question which triggered in my mind – By how many ways do bingo players interact with their friends in a room ? Currently almost all the bingo software provides chat box and private message as a communication means.The software like virtual fusion give… Continue reading →