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Social Media Effects on iGaming Players

Many iGaming operators spend a lot on player acquisition which they cannot recover. It is being calculated that average cost per player acquisition is £120, which is too high and not guaranteed. The operators display ads on many portal websites through affiliate. They try out with many portal websites and pay huge to portal operators for getting their ads displayed. All these huge spending can be reduced by making marketing efforts through social media.

Social media has a characteristic which can bingo out better results with less efforts. It exhibit a viral behavior. Any information shared over social media reaches a great number of audience within short period of time. The information flows and branches out from one group to other.

Social Graph

Depending upon a flow path way the information takes it’s weight-age. The flow path way is determined by likes in case of Facebook , re-tweets in case of twitter, Diggs in case of social bookmarking sites like Digg. The information shared by the player’s close friend has more weight-age than information which comes from unknown source.

The flow path way is dynamic. It may have single root and multiple branches. Building a root associated with many players make the information flow faster. Facebook pages with many likes , twitter account with huge followers forms a strong root. Updating the promotions , events at this root will reach your player’s and their friends.

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Social Media Effects on iGaming Players