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I reviewed a book from PacktPub Publications

Instant Testing with QUnit

Instant Testing with QUnit

Few months ago , I reviewed a book from the well known published PacktPub. It was a book of about 64 pages titled “Instant Testing with Qunit”. As a reviewer , I should say that this is a  book for quick hands on Qunit. Click on the front cover of the book to know more about the book.

Being said that, To read  “about the reviewer” section and few sample pages of the book Just click here

I have read the softcopy of this book and hard copy  is yet to be delivered to me in returns to my efforts to review this book. I would update more about this one after I get my hard copy of the book.

So Finally………………………………………….

$(“#AboutBook”).ToBeUpdatedSoon(function(event) {

console.log(” Waiting for the action from PacktPub…”);


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I reviewed a book from PacktPub Publications