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Scott Davis in Mobile Developer Summit today

Today I attend the Mobile Developer Summit in NIMHANS conventional center,Bangalore. This event was very well organized and was information filled. Mainly I liked two session of scott davis – One Web Many Screens , Mobile OSes : More than Android & iOS. I would write a post with collective of those two.

Here are key take away from the sessions :

  1. Today users access you web app with many devices , hence one web & many screens . Giving the same user experience through out the device is challenging.
  2. Apps must save it’s state on a device for every user  and resume back to the same state when switched between the devices
  3. Apps must eventually learn it’s user behavior & get automated based on the same.
  4. Apps can use GPS for location based automation
  5. Apps must give instant activity updates across the device, across the OS, across the browser.
  6. These days web has become a collection of different pieces which are loosely coupled.
  7. Mobile devices can be integrated with other day-to-day machines like car.In fact car may be seen as a extension of mobile.
  8. By next year the mobile OS spectrum may include few more OS like Tizen, Firefox OS, Ubuntu Touch etc
  9. Big companies are trying to take a pie of mobile market .However the approach may be different  – Market Share or Profitability
  10. Mobile OS , Mobile Hardware & Apps store are 3 elements of a mobile industry. Owning all of them by a single provider gives more control & market share. Hence Google , Apple , Samsung , Amazon are aiming at it.

I have just covered the major points of the whole talk. I would write more about them some times later.

That’s being said….I like the way scott gives the presentation. Good and engaging…

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Scott Davis in Mobile Developer Summit today