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Yes, you can promote your package tour with no money

You as a small package tour operator have been facing competition from big travel companies. These companies use all form of advertising such as Facebook ads, AdWords , twitter ads to attract more customers. Spending just few bucks on online advertising will not make your online campaign effective. If you are in similar situation, then this blog is for you.

This blog will teach you to promote your package tour without spending any money online. We will concentrate on 5 effective ways which would be more leads.

Involve in travel meet up

There are many travel meetup which happens in the city every month. Most of these travel meetups are listed in This is a most popular site which lists all types of events in the city and good part is it is social.

You may not physically attend the meetup. However it’s good if you can. Alternatively you can engage people in the travel meetup group. Leave comment about the destination or theme you server to the people. This will give you some good traffic and enquiry on your website.

Tweet about your package proper hash tag

Twitter is the one of the best marketing tool, if utilized intelligently. Hash tags are the great way to promote you package tour on twitter. You just need to write a tweet with catchy content along with the link to your itinerary page of the website. Below tweet must give you some idea.

Use Pinterest to promote a destination

Pinterest is a social site built around images. Users on Pinterest love to see images. They like, comment and share the images. The good part is that images posted at Pinterest can be directly linked to your itinerary page of the website.

Below are few steps you need to follow to use Pinterest for your business.

  1. Create an account in Pinterest
  2. Create a board with your package tour destination name.
  3. Post few photos of the destination with the link to your itinerary page
  4. You can also use hash tag to attract make your board appear in their wall

Create an interesting what’s app message

What’sApp is a new app which is used by all the new generations. In fact it is even being used by most of the old generation now. Just create a message which has amazing fact about the destination. Don’t forget to include a link to your itinerary in the message. Send this your contacts asking them to share to their friends.

Amazing fact about What’sApp is that good message gets spread over in no time. What’sApp always welcome content which gives them good information brings smile on their face.

Use Quora to promote destination

Your prospective customers read & discuss about the destinations online before they select the holidays. Quora is one such platform where people discuss on topics by posting question and answering questions.

The best way to use quora is to involve you in the discussion. Answer few of the questions which are related to destination you are promoting. Also leave a link of your itinerary page here too. They will make your prospective customer to visit your page. If he is impressed, he will definitely send an enquiry.


After all, you must have a good looking, informative website or travel portal to promote your tours. If you just have very scrappy theme with then the visitor drop out of your website in no time. All your above efforts will go in vain. Hope you already have a website which is attractive and mobile friendly. Otherwise, get in touch with me. I am Freelance Online Travel Portal developer based in Bangalore. I have many tour operators and travel agents to find their success online.

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Yes, you can promote your package tour with no money