Prestofox - Business Application System

If you are interested in learning more about my technical capabilities, then here are the details you should know.

In simple words, I have built an enterprise-ready flexible business application system that has a collection of components needed to build applications of any complexity. These components work together in PrestoFox and create a strong foundation for the application that gets built on top of it.

I know, I know. It's not as simple as it sounds. The above paragraph doesn't contain anything in-depth. That's why I have put together more details for you below

For serious business applications and SaaS Product development

Let me be clear it's not yet another low-code or no-code platform with drag and drop capabilities. You see, such platforms come with their own disadvantages.

It's a fast code platform. It isn't for you if you are building a simple business application. Otherwise, you are exploring the right platform for your next project.

Every platform have these and I have them too

  • Authentication
  • User Management
  • User Profiles
  • Permissions
  • Email Notification
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Admin Interface
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Caching
  • Billing

But wait… I have more for you

Understand the key benefits before you scroll away. Quickly, here is how PrestoFox stand apart from rest of the platform/ boilerplates. You can build multi platform application with single code base

  • SPAs (Single Page App)
  • SSR (Server-side Rendered App) (+ optional PWA client takeover)
  • PWAs (Progressive Web App)
  • BEX (Browser Extension)
  • Mobile Apps (Android, iOS, ...) through Cordova or Capacitor
  • Multi-platform Desktop Apps (using Electron)

Save development hours , launch faster

To be frank, I don't know how much development effort and time I save for you. Understand every PrestoFox platform benefits and then estimate yourself how fast your product could be launched.

But I have invested more than 2000 development hours thru multiple iterations. I have been developing the platform from last 2 years. At some point of time, I did refactor whole platform to make it modular. So we can assure you that your project will be built on solid and proven foundation.

PrestoFox is way ahead ( not yet another SaaS boilerplate )

Yep! I you read it right. PrestFox is at next level at this point of time. I have covered following in the platform.

  • Built In Components
  • 2 Level Multi-tenancy
  • Switch Between Spaces / Organizations
  • Role Based User Menu
  • Security Features
    • Rate Limiting
    • Spam Bot Protection
    • GraphQL Security Rules
  • JWT Authentication
  • GraphQL APIs
  • Developer Tools
  • Preference Management
  • Message Queue
  • Data Audit System
  • Data Revision and Revert System
  • File Management
  • Database
  • Data Processing
  • Logging and Monitoring
  • Modular and MVC Architecture
  • Notification Management
  • Flexible Data Grid
  • Internationalization Support
  • Background Jobs

PrestoFox benefits don't stop here

But I want to stop ranting about it here. If you are serious , then get in touch with me and I am happy to give you more detailed understanding about our platform. I do have a separate document done for you.

Well, it's a proven platform

I have done multiple SaaS products and business application using PrestoFox Platform. I have improved the platform along the way. Below are few of the products done by using the platform

  • Accessibility Enabler - Accessibility Software
  • Promo Jet - Promotions Distribution
  • Gyan Plug - Education Portal
  • Debt Genie - Debt Agency Software
  • Catalogue Maker - Cataloging Software
  • Asset Tilo - IT Asset Mangement Software

Curious About The Tech Stack ?

Maybe I disappoint a lot of people here. Especially, the ones who follow the trend and had their last experience with PHP in the year 2004. They believe Javascript has matured but not PHP. If that's true, then I am not sure, why TypeScript exists. Anyways, here is the tech stack used in PrestoFox

Teck Stack

Last Question : Collaboration ?

Let me be straight to the point. I am not selling this Platform. I am not in the business of selling codes. I can help you to build your next business application or SaaS product using our Fast Code , Flexible , Proven Business Application Platform. Period.

Like to work with me? Get in touch

Contact Me