
Google has made a clever acquisition

Google has acquired a startup clever sense which would help the search giant to improve their search products and local recommendations. The CEO and founder of clever sense Babak Pahlavan confirms this acquisition right at the home page of clever sense site.


Clever sense is a technology built to solve the information overload problem. It is a solution built to recommend restaurants, night clubs and other favorite places all with artificial intelligence and previous data.

Clever Sense

The official website of clever sense tell us that their platform includes two engines – extraction engine and serendipity engine which does all the processing of huge data left over the internet using artificial intelligence. The Extraction Engine curates large amounts of unstructured crawled data by leveraging natural language processing, statistical machine learning, and data mining algorithms. On the other hand Serendipity Engine is a personalized, context-aware discovery engine. It adds up a layer of real-time machine learning algorithms and intelligent agent architecture to the Clever Sense Interest Graph



Clever sense is better recognizes by their location-based restaurant / bar / club recommendation mobile apps – Alfred. Currently Alfred is available for iPhone and Android handsets. This company is funded by 5 investors that include Bobby Yazdani – CEO of Saba, Sanjog Gad – CTO at SAP lab, Larry Braitman- founding CEO of Adify.


Recently Google launched an activity recommendation engine by the name Schemer. This product is a still in an invite-only beta stage. As you have already made a guess Alfred may become a part of Schemer and eventually make Google products like Google Maps, Google Places more powerful.


By the by the official statement published at the clever sense website reads as follows.


When we embarked on our mission to curate the world around us, we knew we were taking on a huge challenge. We worked hard to build the Clever Sense Platform to tackle the problem of information overload in the real world. Using that platform, we built Alfred to create a simple, enjoyable, and powerful way to discover new places and help make decisions on the go. It’s exciting to see that our passion turned into something people around the world use regularly to make everyday decisions that are just right for them.


Today, we are excited to join Google and start a new chapter in curating the world around us! Together with the Google team, we will accelerate our efforts toward this shared vision. Google helps local businesses connect with potential customers and its worldwide presence can bring the value of Clever Sense to a much larger audience. Discovering local information is extremely important to both users and businesses, and the acquisition of Clever Sense will benefit both.


The journey has been nothing short of incredible. Our vision has only become bigger, and our commitment stronger. With Google and Clever Sense working together, our entire team looks forward to building more intelligent, serendipitous and magical services!


We didn’t achieve this success alone. We sincerely want to thank our users, investors, our amazing board and superb advisors. We will be your loyal fans for life.


-Babak Pahlavan
Co-founder and CEO

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Google has made a clever acquisition