May 2012

Satyamev Jayate – Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide

Daughters Are Precious: Female Foeticide. Large-scale killing of girls before birth has led to a serious gender imbalance in the Indian population, and severe social problems as a result According to the YouTube statistics as on 09-05-2012, this program (show) is popular among males between the age 25-34 , 35-44 and 18-24. You can also have a look at geographical… Continue reading →

10 ways to make your website viral

Many of you may be a website owner from many years.  Even after a long existence you may be worried about the website because its user acquisition is miserable slow. You may be able to grab maximum of 60-100 users per month. Suppose this happens to be the status of your website, then you have landed up in the right… Continue reading →