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10 ways to make your website viral

Many of you may be a website owner from many years.  Even after a long existence you may be worried about the website because its user acquisition is miserable slow. You may be able to grab maximum of 60-100 users per month. Suppose this happens to be the status of your website, then you have landed up in the right place. This write up would suggest you few tips to make your site viral and acquire more users.

Before I move straight into tips, I would introduce the concept of virality over web. To explain the concept, let’s go offline for some time. Come out of your house/office to a busy road, look around you may see huge advertising board. Say you see an advertisement which is very funny then, very next day you tell that to your friend. That’s great!  He again tells that to his friends and so on. The message goes viral so soon that at one point of time you find most of the friends in your circle know it.

Coming back to web, the story is same. People over web use social networking site, e-mails to recommend something to their friends. That means your website should support all of them in meaningful way.

OK! Enough of bla bla bla. Let me start the tips.

  1. Allow user to register to your website using Facebook, Google, Twitter, e-mail accounts and so on.
  2. Based on registration type, extract the contact list of the user and allow user to recommend the website to the people in the contact list.
  3. Allow users to connect your website account with Facebook, Twitter, Google, so that they can share something present in your site easily.
  4. When people post any kind of updates (say they answer a question in your site) ask them to share the same on social networking sites.
  5. Your site may have profile photo in for every users. Allow users to pin there profile photo of your site to Pinterest.
  6. Encourage users to invite more people. Assign them point to do that.
  7. Provide user friendly “invite friends” page, easily accessible from another pages.
  8. Don’t make registration compulsory for everything on your site. Allow outsiders to subscribe to the particular page updates.
  9. Provide an interface for non-registered users to send a particular page link to other via e-mail
  10. Enable social bookmarking icons on every page which is worth sharing.

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10 ways to make your website viral